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At Atelier 13, we believe in the confluence of design, beauty, and function. Our origins as architects infuse our approach to bespoke furniture, where every piece isn’t just crafted but conceptualized to be a blend of art, technology and utility. Our multidisciplinary team delves deep into a myriad of materials, from chipwood, veneered or painted MDF to solid wood, glass and composites, often integrating metal for both structural and aesthetic demands.

Our journey has always been about perfecting details and prioritizing quality.

Have a design in mind? Entrust us with your architect’s project, and let us bring your envisioned furniture to life.


BlueAir Mall Iasi/Cluj Info-point.

Custom-made urban furniture – park benches.

Furniture manufactguring for Mega Image – Casual Bistro.

Concept and arrangement of the Hyllan Pharma booth